Monday, October 27, 2008


This last week has been a week of firsts for little Will. He held his
own bottle and today he went to sleep in his baby gym all by himself.
I don't know if that means he is just bored of the gym or of he is
starting to learn to sleep when he is exausted. Katy and I hope he is
learning to put himself down.
Everyday he is becoming more aware of his surroundings. Such a
wonderfull boy!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

On the go!

If this works I can post pictures and text from my iPhone on the go.
Unbelivable technology. If it works that is.........

Billy Sinkford

Friday, October 24, 2008

Packing it in!

This week has been a busy one, The clan is moving to a new apartment.  Grandma Verity and Aunt and Uncle Allison and Greg all stopped by to help out and say hello. The packing is getting there and katy and I are not getting stressed about the move.
Katy had her first full week back at work, and although tiring she handled it pretty well. Will and I spent all day today lifting boxes and moving furniture, he is really strong.  I don't know how he managed the bookshelf and give me a foot rub at the same time.  Truly an amazing little lad. Packing is the agenda for the weekend, hoping to get everything ready to rock for the move.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trinity Vacation

Katy and I Took a vacation up to the Trinity Alps a few weeks ago to unwind before Katy went back to work.  We had a fantastic time up in the Alps hanging out with Will. He loved being outside and would stare up at trees and just giggle. Many times the three of us lay on the grass and just cracked up together. We really needed a break from the city and enjoyed every moment away. Katy is back at work now and Will is in daycare three days a week and hangs out with his dad Monday's and Friday's. I love getting to spend time with my little boy, and Katy gets home at 4, so afternoon family time is great!

The First......

Welcome to Will's Blog. I have never done this before, so bear with me as I get this together. This is to keep family and friends up to date about Little Will. Will was born July 8th, 8 pounds and 3 ounces. He is now 3 and 1/2 months old and over 15 pounds.  He is a joy everyday, Smiling and laughing all the time.  Katy and I Love him to pieces.  I will update this a few times a week, so stay tuned.