Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Sinkford clan! As you can see Will is into some cool new stuff, he can hand out in this cool chair that helps him sit up of his own. Will is also into going on walks in his backpack.  Daddy loves the backpack, it is much more comfortable than the front carrier. Dinner was low key, just Geoff and Verity and us. It has been nice to escape the city and spend some time with family. I will get some more Thanksgiving photo's up soon.

Guys day out

Our friend Brendan came over to visit Will and we had a little guys day out. Will went to a few places that baby's probably are not allowed, but no one said anything. We stopped to get some food and Will sat up in the booth by himself! (kind of) At any rate he is getting close to sitting up and is eating more solid food now. 

Monday, November 17, 2008


Will all snuggled up in his ducky towel. It just looks so funny. He is actually super tough though...

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Rat Tail Grows....

The rat tail continues to grow almost as quickly as will himself. Will had his 4 month check up and is now 18 pounds, 27 inches! That is the 97th percentile. 

A quick photo update

A little update. Will is using his hands a ton. Grabbing just about everything. He can hold his own bottle and binky, although a little bit clumsily. Dad and son in PJ's and will in his first cycling cap given to us by good friends in new york Kevin and Amy. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

Almost Crawling!

Every day Will gets a little closer, I have a feeling it is going to
happen within a few weeks if not sooner.
In other news, the move went well and we are getting settled into our
new home. It already feels more cozy than the Fillmore!


Just in case there are folks scourging the internet for evidence of voter fraud, I feel like this photo should come will the following disclaimer: No, my baby did not vote, he’s just wearing the sticker. That said, Wee-Willy helped me fulfill my democratic right to vote by being a charming little prince while I Obama’d it up. However, his presence did dampen the voting experience for a few others. This was thanks to a really nice, yet loud Russian woman from our old building who has a tendency to touch Will’s face a lot and talk to him in a sweet yelling voice, if there is such a thing. She was working the poll and while I put my ballots into the voting machine she went through her usual banter animated by pokes into Will’s cheeks. “Oh, ya! Baby! Russian, russian, biiiiig boy, russian, russian! Baby! Ya!” Will really digs her. This went on for several minutes which allowed me a lot of time to ponder those voting machines. How do they work? Why does it not matter which side of the ballot faces up or if it gets put in backwards? Or, does it matter and I just didn’t get the proper instructions from the nice loud lady because she was too busy sweetly poking my child in the face? Regardless, my fellow Americans did not appreciate the disruption to their concentration while they went through their five pages of alphabetized and numerical choices (gotta love California!). As we left, she was being forced into taking a break outside by her fellow volunteers. For a second I got nervous she’d follow us to the car, but instead she just waved with A LOT of enthusiasm and yelled “I love democracy!” Totally.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Little Will had a mellow Halloween helping his parents pack up for the move. He is super strong flinging boxes around left and right. No trick or treating this year for Will, but next year he'll be knocking on your door for sure.

Lots of Visitors

Little William is a popular little guy. Many of our friends have come by to take a gander at him. Of course everyone, gets a snapshot taken. Will is almost crawling, grabbing at the ground and trying to pull himself along. Any time now he will figure it out. When that happens we are in trouble. Mobile Will is going to be terrifying! We can't wait.....